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    Boarding Suitability

    Animal health and boarding suitability

    Is my pet suitable for boarding?

    Boarding is a brilliant option for many pets. It provides socialisation, expert care, and tons of new friends but some pets aren’t suitable for boarding and that’s okay! There are some factors (physical and mental health) that need to be considered before you decide to board your pet with us, especially for any longer periods. And whilst our staff are trained to administer any complex medications your pet requires, including medications for diabetes and epilepsy. Some cases may be too extreme or unwell to stay in a boarding facility safely and comfortably.

    If you find your pet may not be suited to boarding, there are plenty of at home care options for when you want and need to go away.

    The below points showcase if your pet may not be suitable to board.

    • They are of 10+ years of age and are unwell. Unwell may look like chronic disease, not behaving at home as they usually do, have been visiting the vet a lot more recently and would overall be more comfortable and secure at home.
    • They are unable to move without assistance or find it very difficult to be independent (moving, toileting etc) .
    • They have recently had major surgery that requires multiple post op appointments with their vet.
    • They have pre-existing conditions and wounds such as bed sores that impact their comfort.
    • They are on an excess of medications (6+ medications per day.) We can still accommodate 6+ medications per day at a cost but the type of medications and possible side effects of said medications should be considered beforehand. If your pet is not handling their regime well and is experiencing discomfort and poor side effects such as lethargy, gastrointestinal distress, and mental ill health (anxiety, depression) as a result, then home may be more comfortable for them during this time.
    • They are highly anxious and are unlikely to settle in new environments particularly a highly stimulating one such as a boarding facility. In saying this, coming for day care or overnight stays before they stay for a longer period is highly beneficial.
    • They do not like other dogs or people and have had a history of aggression and incidents.

    If you are unsure about the extent or standard of health your pet currently has, please contact your vet, and ask them if they think your pet is currently suited to be boarded.

    You have a duty of disclosure to us about your pet’s health and we have the right to decline your booking request based on your pet’s health, illness, and behavioural factors, even if they have previously stayed with us.

    Upon arrival at the Resort to check your pet in, we will discuss any health conditions they may have, medications required and any other concerns you may need to make us aware of.

    We can accommodate many factors and many situations are circumstantial so even if you think your pet may not be suitable, please contact us and we can discuss. If your pet does have high care needs and we can accommodate them during the time, there may be costs associated for the extra care provided.

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